
August 29, 2015

FILM NIGHT Podcast # 7: Ant-Man Meets MI:5

Mission Impossible: Make a film version of Ant-Man work while convincing us that 53 year-old Tom Cruise has still got it. Did they succeed?

In episode seven of the hit podcast FILM NIGHT, listen to Paul Donnett (writer, film instructor, composer), Paul Jensen (writer, film instructor, scholar), Nick Carey (writer, producer) and Ian Hanlin (voice actor) creep, crawl, and hang from airplanes as they render their verdicts on two of the riskiest releases of the summer.

Check it out here.

August 27, 2015

FILM NIGHT Podcast #6: The Terminator Series

After the release of the disappointing Terminator: Genisys, it's time to stack 'em up and decide which T model rules the rest!

In episode six of the hit podcast FILM NIGHT, listen to Paul Donnett (writer, film instructor, composer), Paul Jensen (writer, film instructor, scholar), Nick Carey (writer, producer) and Ian Hanlin (voice actor) go full cyborg as they vote on the best Terminator film of all time.

Feel free to register your opinion in the comments section below!

August 25, 2015

FILM NIGHT Podcast #5: Terminator Genisys

Well, he said he'd be back. But are we glad to see Arnie a fifth time?

In episode five (fitting!) of the hit podcast FILM NIGHT, listen to Paul Donnett (writer, film instructor, composer), Paul Jensen (writer, film instructor, scholar), Nick Carey (writer, producer) and Ian Hanlin (voice actor) travel through time to see where everyone ends up!  

August 22, 2015

FILM NIGHT Podcast #4: Jurrasic World

So they went and opened the park anyway?! Some people never learn. . .not that we're mad about it!

But is this JURASSIC as FANTASTIC as the original?

In the fourth episode of the hit podcast FILM NIGHT, listen to Paul Donnett (writer, film instructor, composer), Paul Jensen (writer, film instructor, scholar), Nick Carey (writer, producer) and Ian Hanlin (voice actor) go on Amber Alert as they stomp and chomp their way through the blockbuster franchise that en-raptored a generation!  

August 20, 2015

FILM NIGHT Podcast #3: Best Post-Apocalyptic Films

Since the beginning of time, seems we human beings just can't stop thinking about how we's all gonna die.

In episode three of the hit podcast FILM NIGHT, listen to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Paul Donnett (writer, film instructor, composer), Paul Jensen (writer, film instructor, scholar), Nick Carey (writer, producer) and Ian Hanlin (voice actor) - explore our favourite doomsday films right to the bitter End!

August 18, 2015

FILM NIGHT Podcast #2: Mad Max Fury Road

How does George Miller's remake/reboot compare to the originals? And who does Furiosa think she is, telling the Road Warrior where to go and how to get there?

In the second installment of the hit podcast FILM NIGHT, listen to Paul Donnett (writer, film instructor, composer), Paul Jensen (writer, film instructor, scholar), Nick Carey (writer, producer) and Ian Hanlin (voice actor) semi-truck across hell and earth to find out who killed the world!

August 16, 2015

FILM NIGHT Podcast #1: Avengers Age of Ultron

Are we getting sick of superhero films yet? Depends on who you ask.

In the debut episode of the hit podcast FILM NIGHT, listen to Paul Donnett (writer, film instructor, composer), Paul Jensen (writer, film instructor, scholar), Nick Carey (writer, producer) and Ian Hanlin (voice actor) go head to head in a bone-crushing debate that could determine the fate of the world!