First Screenplay (1st draft) - "Can We Meet?" |
Goals I've dreamed about nailing for years. Who knew that all I needed was a little academic structure, professional encouragement, friendly competition and deadlines to make it happen?
Okay, we all knew that. Here's to you, VFS. Never could have done it without you!
Milestones hit so far:
1. Feature screenplay (1st draft) - "Can We Meet?"
2. TV spec script (1st draft) - Big Bang Theory
3. 2 comedy sketches - "Orphuk the Omnisicient", "Freddy & Hank's Day Out" (Produced/performed live)
First TV spec script (1st draft) - Big Bang Theory |
5. Original animated series concept - "Street Bosses"
6. 2 short stories - "Howard", "A Date Interrupted"
7. 2 short scripts - "From the Bench", "Enveloped"
8. 5 short scripts for "Alice in Wasteland" - VFS Compendium VI (Unproduced, but completed!)
9. Short script - "Double Booked" (produced by Christian Acosta. In pre-production)
10. Original song - "Little Mozambique" for ASEM infographic (produced by Saadi Alkouatli)
11. My YouTube channel! - started January 19, 2012 (597 views a/o Feb. 26)
Watch out, Term 4 - here we come!
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