
December 31, 2012

My Resolutions for 2013

Computer, coffee, conscience - all systems go. Let's begin:

1. Meditate, reflect and relax my spirit for at least 20 minutes each morning and evening. Sprinkle the resulting good karma liberally at work and play. 

2. Appreciate, support and make love to my wife every day. (Proceed immediately to #6 to find the strength.)

3. Unless absolutely unavoidable, get to bed by or before 10pm. Every. Single. Night.

4. Consult a doctor re: my overall health. Comprehensive check, blood work, the works. Ask re: any questionable aches, pains, warning signs before they become a pain in the ass. Literally.

5. Consult a nutritionist about the diet that will achieve optimum health. (Something's got to be at the root of all this flatulence.)

6. Follow a regular, daily exercise plan that is simple, doable, and enjoyable. (Yoga, stretches, weights, red wine - whatever's required to strengthen my core, tone my muscles, and maintain my general sexiness.)

7. Brush and floss regularly. (As my grandad always used to say, keep the teeth God gave you.)

8. Map out a plan to reduce and eliminate debt. Take steps post-haste. Dream of winning the lottery, but remember, it's just a dream.

9. Consult a financial advisor re: preparations for retirement. (The last 20 years went by in a flash; I don't expect the next 20 to get any slower.)

10. Put aside money for fun (travel, entertainment, a better hairdresser, etc.).

11. Religiously avoid diverting money put aside for #10-12 to peppermint mochas, no matter how much you miss those little candy cane sprinkles.

12. Parent my kids with maximum intentionality, listening to their hearts, goals, fears and concerns, holding them accountable, helping them build plans for their future, and refusing to stop loving them. (They're teenagers, so yes, I have to remind myself on that last one.)

13. Writing-wise, maintain and finalize current projects, while (a) completing 1-3 scripts, (b) making progress on 1 book, and (c) blogging regularly. All other activity (including reading, PS3-ing, and internet "research") is secondary.

14. Continue to build and rigorously maintain solid, productive relationships with industry people who can move my writing and film career forward. (All work and no shmoozing makes Paul a dull boy. And a virtual unknown.)

15. Track all writing competitions and opportunities, and (sound of whip cracking) "submit, mule, submit!" 

I can do this!  Now where's my yoga mat?


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