Not us. No-sir-ee, those would be easy!

Pausing to reflect, I re-positioned myself on the couch, retrieving a stray BBQ potato chip from my belly before it got away.
"What. Tonight?"
And that's how it all began. Fast-forward a month and here we are, launching what The Hollywood Reporter isn't calling one of 2014's boldest, bravest, most ambitious undertakings to-date: Him, Her, and Hollywood - one couple's journey through some of the most significant films in cinema history!
"It can be our big project for the year," she continued, as if needing to convince me. "You can do the 'film nerd' review and I'll do the 'normal person' review!"
I weighed her labels quizzically, then nodded in consent.
"Okay," I said. "But just remember, this was your idea."
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